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A Little Update!

Hiya guys!

I hope that you are all having a wonderful week, and that you have been able to make the most of the rare British sunshine! It has been such a beautiful, bright, sunny week this week, and it has been on the warm side too! It most definitely makes a change to our usual British weather - cold, rainy and windy.

On Monday, I did a blog post about the illnesses that I battle on a daily basis, and I went quite in depth about the chronic illness, M.E/CFS. I said at the end of that blog post that I would be uploading a post on Wednesday, going into more detail about the chronic illness, Fibromyalgia. Although this didn't happen. Ironically, I wasn't well enough to blog yesterday. And in truth, I am not feeling any better now, but I decided I wanted to blog, as I love, and really enjoy, blogging and writing.

I won't be going into detail about Fibromyalgia today, this is just a little update about the life of Sophie. As some of you may know, if you are friends with me, that I had laparoscopic surgery to excise endometriosis. The surgeon found quite a lot of endometriosis, and in some places, she had to dig quite deep to remove it. Although she did say it was a possibility that she may have left some small spots. When I had this surgery done, my surgeon discovered a complication/problem with my bowel. From the way she described it, it sounds like it is some kind of deformity. She said that my bowel could have been this way since I was born, which is highly possible as I was born 12 weeks premature, and I have always had bowel problems. Although they have been getting worse over time. My surgeon said she would refer me to, as she said, the 'bottom people', as I would need surgery on my bowel to correct the problem.

I had the laparoscopic endometriosis excision surgery three and a half weeks ago now, the first two weeks of recovery were really hard, I was practically bed bound for the first two weeks, and I was in a lot of pain - understandably. Then in the third week, things began to get a little easier. I was still in pain, although the pain was a lot more bearable, and I was managing to get out of bed more, and spend more time with my family. I really thought things were beginning to go in the right direction, and I finally felt some sense of relief, thinking that recovery was going well.

But then several days ago, the pain became so severe. The pain was more intense, and a lot worse, than the pain I had experienced straight after surgery. Surely this wasn't right, at three and a half weeks post surgery, I should be noticing improvements, and getting a bit better. Not getting worse, not having more pain than ever before.

The pain is still just as bad, I have spent so much time in tears these last few days, because the pain is unbearable. I don't know what to do with myself, I have just been trying to watch movies to keep myself distracted, even if just a little bit, from the pain.

Both my mum and I were getting concerned by the increase in pain, so my mum booked me an emergency doctors appointment. I saw the GP, who was very lovely and very thorough, and she said that there was no signs of infection, although I did have a slight temperature. The GP was baffled as to why I was getting worse, and not better. But she said that she thinks I am having a fibromyalgia flare, and that would be making things worse. She told me to just try to stay positive that things will get better.

Despite all this pain, despite feeling worse than ever, I am trying to stay strong, trying to keep smiling, and trying to stay as positive as I possibly can. Because that is the only way to keep going.

Try to remember that no matter what you are going through, no matter how much pain you are in, that you are not alone, and that you are so strong - so much stronger than your struggles.

Sending so much love to you all. And to anyone who is having a hard time, stay strong, and keep on fighting.

Goodbye for now!

- Sophie xoxo.

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