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My Little Introduction

Hi there!

So you probably already know that I'm Sophie, I mean you should do from the name of my blog, haha. But if you didn't know that already, now you do. I'm twenty-one, I live in England, with my Mum, younger sister, and our assortment of pets!

The newest addition to our family is a gorgeous Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, her name is Rosie. She turned 1 on May 23rd, so she is still a little baby! She is full of energy, and tons of mischief, although she is also extremely affectionate, and gives the loveliest of cuddles! Everyone who meets Rosie instantly falls in love with her, and her adorable ways.

Anyone who knows me will agree with me when I say that I am a total movie (and TV show) addict! I have an absolutely enormous DVD collection, along with a Netflix subscription, yet there is still DVDs that my collection is missing. I spend most of my days getting excited over new movies, and discovering new TV shows.

I also love to read, although I am a pretty slow reader. Despite being a slow reader, I still always thoroughly enjoy the books that I read. This year I have only read two books so far, and am on my third. I will do reviews on the books that I have read so far this year in a blog post further down the line.

A big part of my life, is the fact that I have multiple chronic illnesses. Having these chronic illnesses is a blessing, and a curse. It is a blessing because I have met my soulmate, my best friends, and many other friends because of them. But it is obviously a curse for the way that my life has gone in a completely different direction to the one I would have liked. In all honesty, I cannot remember being healthy, as I have been sick for so long. Part of me thinks that is a good thing, because if I could remember what it is like to be pain free, and symptom free, I would miss being healthy even more than I already do.

Again, I shall do a blog post in the very near future, going into more detail about my chronic illnesses, and how they have shaped my life.

I'm quite a girly girl, although along with pink, my favourite colour is black! I am obsessed with unicorns, Disney, floral patterns, and pink. I have a real weakness for Marvel and DC movies, as well as graphic novels and Funko Pops. One of my favourite shows is the Walking Dead, and if you haven't watched it, and you like zombies, I suggest that you check it out now! You can thank me later.

So, I guess that will be all from me for now. If you are still awake and reading this, despite my rambling, then well done you! Pat yourself on the back, congratulate yourself for surviving my first blog post.

Sending much love to you all.

Goodbye for now.

- Sophie xoxo.

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